Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Well, ladies & gentleman.
Today is the Winter Solstice.

I was instructed back in the summer that a solstice is the perfect day to take out paper & pen & write down exactly what you want for your future!
So I am now instructing you do the same.

Get paper & a pen.
Sit down & really think it through.
What do you want from life?
Do you want a better relationship?
Do you want a better job?
Do you want more money?

Write it down!!
Concentrate on it. Focus, focus, focus!
If you believe in what you want & that just by simply putting it out there, it will happen....guess what! It will!!
That's right.
What you want will happen if your thoughts & beliefs are in alignment.
No negative thinking. Absolutely not allowed.
It will happen, it will.
Just because.

Don't forget about my free coaching offer. Will end soon.
This is the perfect time to hire your own personal life coach!


Naughty or Nice??

he's making a list....checking it twice....gonna find out if you're naughty or nice...

Ok, I am not talking about truly being naughty here....Just breaking a few rules in order for YOU to get ahead in life.
Not to hurt anyone or harm anyone.

It's a dicey business to tamper with convention, but if you want to wish, dream, & do, consider becoming comfortable with bending, redefining, & otherwise breaking a few rules.

How do we become rule breakers, you ask?
In some cases, it's sort of a seat of the pants kind of deal. Perhaps you weren't planning on making an exception but you just couldn't help yourself or maybe you knew from the start that you & a particularly menacing rule were never going to see eye-to-eye. You might even have been told to wing it.
Ultimately, I believe that is why we break the rules. We need to get things done & the only way to make that happen is to turn our backs on the rules.

Like I stated earlier, you do not want to step outside the law or intentionally harm or hurt another human being.
Breaking the rules is about asserting your independence & becoming the person you are meant to be.
Each time you break a tradition in order to live your life with more truth & validity, you become a bit of a revolutionary.
Most people confine themselves to doing things the way they've always been done.
It's the risk takers, mistake makes, & rule breakers who wish, dream, & do with verve & conviction.

I believe it was Marilyn Monroe who said "well behaved women rarely make history."

I am here for you.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

tis the season to be giving

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Giving creates space for more to come in.

Some form of giving is an integral part of prosperity. Most people who are blessed with wealth feel a desire to give back in some way.
Take a moment and think of someone who is blessed in this way. Do they give back?

When you give you embody this important aspect of wealth & place yourself in the company of millionaires & billionaires around the globe.

Giving is the natural counterpart to receiving.
In order for you to fully experience abundance, money needs to flow through, not just into, your life.

The only one who puts limits on how much you can receive is you.

If you cannot give money, perhaps you can be generous with your time, skills, or compassion.

The more consistently you give, the more you will benefit from the energy of giving. How much & where you give is less important than the giving itself.

Giving should be done as a gesture of gratitude, not obligation.

Give away a little bit of money everyday. A penny is enough. Drop it in a collection jar, give a tip at your coffee shop, or leave a quarter on a shelf at your grocery store for someone to find.

Give something each time you are asked instead of saying not today.

If your career provides regular cash income such as tips, choose a percentage between 1% & 5% to give away over the next 30 days. Each day count the appropriate portion of what you have received & give that away within 24 hours.

If you absolutely can't give money at this time, donate at least 1 hour a week to a worthy cause or organization.

I am giving away FREE feng shui tips. What would you like to attract into your life? Wealth? Love? Weight loss?
Email me your_girl_amy@yahoo.com
It can be done.